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In the Garden of Men by John Kupferschmidt

In the Garden of Men
In the Garden of Men

Price: $14.95
ISBN-13: 978-1-55152-239-5
3-Day Books, 2008

Please contact the author to purchase a copy.

About the Book

An inconsequential government worker finds himself swept into the mechanism of state oppression when the Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia. As his arrest-warrant signatures send thousands to their fate, a series of encounters with a priest, a prostitute and the ghosts of the disappeared forces him to face the fundamental choice between what is right and what is safe.

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Day Shift Werewolf by Jan Underwood

dayshift werewolf
Day Shift Werewolf

Price: $14.95
ISBN-13: 1-55152-208-x
3-Day Books, 2006

Please contact the author to purchase a copy.

About the Book

An unproductive werewolf, a claustrophobic mummy, a free-wheeling zombie, a demon with a hidden human and other incompetent monsters struggle to maintain their underworld street cred while discovering new and surprising sides to life on the dark side.

Read More »Day Shift Werewolf by Jan Underwood

The Convictions of Leonard McKinley by Brendan McLeod

The Convictions of Leonard McKinley
The Convictions of Leonard McKinley

Price: $14.95
ISBN-13: 978-1-55152-222-7
3-Day Books, 2007

Please contact the author to purchase a copy.

About the Book

Young Leonard thinks his own moral failures caused his father’s heart attack and triggered an epileptic fit in his dog. As he launches himself through increasingly dangerous ethical trials, his thoughts grow darker and the stakes get higher in his constant struggle to be good.

Read More »The Convictions of Leonard McKinley by Brendan McLeod

The Videographer by Jason Rapczynski

The Videographer
The Videographer

Price: $14.95
ISBN-13: 978-1-55152-252-4
3-Day Books, 2009

Please contact the author to purchase a copy.

About the Book

A New York film school dropout falls into a job setting up spy cams, porn shoots and street fights for a shady underground video producer. His plans to escape the underbelly of the webcasting world are sent spinning when a young runaway claiming to be his daughter shows up at his door.
Read More »The Videographer by Jason Rapczynski