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The contest had its genesis in a Vancouver bar in 1977, where a handful of writers sat around bragging about their literary prowess. Amongst the bar-talk was the rumour that Voltaire had written Candide in only three days. The tough-talk eventually led to a challenge: Go home and write a novel in 72 hours.

In true pioneering spirit, the call went out, the gauntlet went down, and the 3-Day Novel Contest was on its way to becoming the cheeky and uncompromising rebel of literary forms that it is today. From its modest beginnings as a barroom challenge, it grew to attract the interest and support of neophyte and seasoned writers alike, from Canada, the U.S. and beyond. Now, more than four decades later, it has become a unique contribution to world literary history and a put-your-keyboard-where-your-mouth-is rite of passage for hundreds of writers each year.

One winning novel, Marc Diamond’s Momentum, was also a shortlisted finalist for the Books in Canada First Novel Award, and another, Small Apartments, has been made into a feature film with a stellar cast, including Billy Crystal, Matt Lucas, Rebel Wilson and others. Winning entries, Circle of Birds by Hayden Trenholm and Vacant Rooms by Mitch Parry have been translated into French.

The 47th annual event will be taking place over Labour Day weekend, which is August 31st – September 2nd, 2024. For additional information on the contest, please visit the 3-Day Novel website at